Case Study Details

Quote Library

Quote Library is a searchable and browsable database that includes quotes from renowned authors and famous personalities. Access to knowledge is the supreme act of truly great civilizations and that is the sole purpose of compiling a list of the best reviewed quotes available online. The site contains over 45000 famous quotations from 1500 authors on more than 150 different subjects.


The challenge was to create a website that would be able to sustain huge amount of data and traffic. Generating traffic not just the only challenge.The aim was to design and develop a User Interface that is visually attractive and browsable. Hence the user can easily browse through the website and search for the quotes according to their interest.


UX design Limited took up the task of designing and developing a custom made website with an Interface that was user friendly and browsable. All the content was categorized into different categorizes so it is easy to search for the relevant information in the shortest possible time.


Quote Library was designed with a custom web UI and developed from scratch using custom PHP language. UX design Limited successfully carried out the work and effectively created the website.

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